Shortzz : Short Video App Flutter Script With Admin Panel | Android | iOS | Tiktok Clone | Full App


Shortzz is a flutter template to create short video apps with amazing features like Log in , Send coins to creators, Hashtags, Profiles, Create Posts, Sounds and many more.. Anyone can create their own beautiful app using this template and save many hours.

Admin Panel Features:

  • Dashboard to check data counts
  • Manage hashtags and move them to explore screen
  • Manage users : View, Edit, Delete
  • Manage Posts: View, Delete
  • Manage Sounds Categories
  • Manage Sounds
  • Manage Profile Categories
  • Verification Requests for blue tick
  • Manage reported users and posts
  • Manage Coin rates
  • Manage rewarding actions
  • Coins Plans and Pricing
  • Redeem Requests

Application Features:

  • Explore Videos: For you & Following
  • Explore page to check trending hashtags and videos
  • Like, comment, share, download videos
  • Search for posts and users
  • Explore videos by hashtags
  • Create and scan QR codes of profiles
  • Notifications
  • Manage user profile
  • Privacy setting
  • Coin wallet
  • Create videos on sounds
  • Create videos on the same sound of other video
  • Post your videos from gallery
  • Works with S3 storage, for faster video loading
  • Place Redeem Requests
  • Purchase coins
  • Send coins to other users
  • See videos by sounds

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